Mckenna Woolley from Meora Wellness
| Helllooo Gorgeous!!! It was kind of love at first sight when I discovered you online!! ). I was pregnant, looking into unmedicated birth and you were just this amazing resource! Ok, enough of me buttering your gluten-free muffin. Go ahead and introduce yourself to everyone: |
Hey! I’m McKenna Woolley, Utah native living fulltime in an RV and have been traveling the country with my young family for the past year and a half. I fell in love with holistic health and unmedicated birth when I went down the path of choosing a provider for my first baby, going from OB, to CNM to ultimately deciding on doing a homebirth with an amazing CPM. This process, along with having a father-in-law in the science of nutraceutical industry opened my eyes to the amazing world of “alternative” healing options. Stepping into motherhood inspired me and confirmed to me that the body is incredibly capable, if it can grow a human from two cells, it can heal from incredible things if we know how to support it. Nearly 7 years later, I just gave birth to my 3rd baby unassisted in my RV. Talk about transitioning from an average Utah-girl into a true nomad-hippie! Haha!
| Tell us all about your company! Feel free to brag a lot!! |
I started Méora (may-ora) Wellness out of a deep desire to help educate Mama’s like myself a few years back. Those who are starting on their journey, not knowing a thing about this world of herbs, homeopathy, gut healing, nutrients, and empowered birth. Not just that, but seeing a real need to beautify and modernize the alternative health world. I’m an artist and graphic designer and there’s some incredible education out there, but to be honest it’s not appealing to young, fresh, hip Mama’s who enjoy watching Fixer Upper and keeping up with beauty, home design, and fashion trends.
I felt like I could combine those two worlds, which is why you’ll see art and good design in my brand. I have high hopes and dreams for Méora, which is just a little seedling right now, but I dream of it becoming not just a resource but a community, since our modern world is void of tribal support, it’s in my heart to kindle that deep need for sisterhood.
| Tell us all about why you love this Sourdough Bread? |
My love for sourdough bread began as a child. My dad was born and raised in the heart of San Francisco, For one particular family vacation I remember it became our pilgrimage during our visit to scavenger the city for THE place to obtain THE bread. Since my dad migrated to Utah however many years ago THE bread has been hard to come by, many store bought loaves dissatisfied, and so often when a trip was taken, bread would come back in his suitcase as souvenir.
So, when I learned the health benefits of natural yeast I had only one goal in mind, to make THE bread, the one that would compare, even just slightly to the textures and flavors of his beloved San Francisco Sourdough. Call it a turning the hearts of the child to their father, learning natural healing has definitely connected me with my Dad and my ancestors in so many ways.
| Best health tip/trick/hack? |
The best health advice I can give is to become in-tune with your body, and to use your God-given motherhood intuition. Do not allow anything (even if they claim to have authority) stand in the way of following that intuition. I know it’s easier said than done, but when I started to question the mainstream way of doing things, it changed my whole life and has protected my health and my children’s health in ways I never thought they needed protecting.
| Let’s talk quick n easy meals— I heard from a lil bird that you have some busy mama meals. Tell us about them! |
Oh, man, if you only knew how food in my home is a struggle. I’m still on my learning-path when it comes to raising and feeding picky littles in our standard-American-diet friendly world. Limited options on the road have had me compromising in many ways, but letting go of food battles for my kids is the start to preserving my sanity and my magnesium usage. Quick and easy for my kids is a slice of sourdough with Kerrygold grass-fed butter on it, with a side of organic carrots or cooked broccoli, and a cup full of chia-seeds (my kids eat them plain, don’t ask me how I got them to like them plain). For the adults, I’m a sucker for curries and Asian foods, two favorites being Tiki Masala, and Thai Red or Yellow curry. All you need is a base paste, a meat or meat alternative, veggies of your choice, some real salt, and coconut milk. Cook the meat in the paste, add the veggies, add the coconut milk, (for the Tiki Masala you add tomato sauce too) then serve over rice! You can even make your own Sourdough Naan if you want to get fancy.
| How do you balance the beautiful life of motherhood with being a business owner? |
Is there such a thing as balance? I’m still learning the art. RV life is like relearning how to walk every few weeks. New places means resetting your house, your routine, and your kids social circle and educational needs bi-weekly. The only constant is my night-owl tendencies, which is anti-health but I work a lot at night when (IF) the kids are asleep. This year my goal is to focus on my adrenals and get myself to be a morning person instead.
| What’s in your bag!? |
Diapers/Wipes (confession, I don’t cloth-diaper), My wallet and keys, home-made bug spray and Samilison anti-itch homeopathic (we are currently in FL), Silversolution in a spray-bottle, Dr Bronner’s lip balm, and Stress-Away YL essential oil.
| Beauty tip that we MUST know about? |
CASTOR OIL!! It’s the only thing I use on my face and it’s INCREDIBLE. I’d been using just olive oil as moisturizer for years, but tried castor oil and it’s taken my skin to a whole new level.
| You know me, I’m all about the supplements! What are your favorites and why?! |
Well I have a thing for minerals and whole food supplements. My passion is learning about mineral balancing and how they are the foundation for good health in the cells. #1 is Magnesium through soaking. Because it’s one of the most valuable minerals needed for so many functions in the cells and body processes. #2 Real Salt, (never table salt) because of its richness MINERALS! #3 Potassium through foods and coconut water! #4 Beef Liver because it’s an incredible source of Copper and many B Vitamins #4 Whole Food Vitamin C through foods + acerola cherry powder because it’s so powerful in helping the body convert copper into an amazing enzyme called ceruloplasmin. I could go on about its functions, but know that it’s important and amazing and you need to throw out synthetic, isolated vitamins asap!
| Give us all your links so we can stalk the ish out of you! |
RV + Family Life
All things Méora Wellness:
Thank you for coming on the Chanelle Cozette. I love seeing the different ways mothers implement holistic health into them and their families lives. Also, I can’t wait for everyone to make your bread!!