Ryan Blaser from Test My Home
| Hello hello!!! I am so excited to have you as a guest here on Chanelle Cozette. I’ve been VIRTUAL friends with your wife, Sam for sometime and I must say you’re a lucky man!!
Now go ahead and introduce yourself to everyone: |
Hi Chanelle, it's an honor to work with you and share this information with others. My name is Ryan Blaser and I live in Sun Valley, ID with my wife and three kids. I love the outdoors and spending time in nature. I believe our overall health and well-being is based on three things: our mental state and spirituality, our lifestyle, and our environment. My wife and I co-created a company we’re super passionate about - called Test My Home, which focuses on the environment.
| Tell us all about your company! Feel free to brag a lot!! |
I am an Electrical Engineer of 22 years with certifications as a Building Biologist Environmental Consultant (BBEC) & Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS). I have worked for the Department of Energy (nuclear division), as an Air Quality Specialist for the Department of Environmental Quality, a broadband and radio frequency installer, and an Acoustical Engineer. My learning/career path has deeply informed my understanding of how our environment plays a vital role in our health and well-being.
I conduct indoor environmental assessments to determine the health of the building and how the environment is affecting its occupants. I take scientific measurements with the latest in advanced technology and use calibrated meters to detect toxic exposures in the built environment. I provide guidance, education and mitigation strategies to create living environments that are supportive of optimal health.
Some of the areas I focus on include: air, water, mold, chemicals, radon, allergens, EMF’s, noise/vibration, and lighting. Most of my time is spent helping people reclaim their health by identifying and eliminating dangerous, hidden toxins and pollutants from their home & life.
| Tell us all about why you chose this specific line of work? |
My wife and I were on our health journey fixing imbalances in our bodies, trying to become as healthy as possible physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Working with a few functional doctors, we realized there was more involved in our health other than just foods and exercise. We realized our environment played a crucial role in our health.When my wife was pregnant we discussed getting our home tested to make sure everything in it was healthy for our family - good air quality, no mold, etc. We searched and searched and realized there was no one out there to comprehensively test our home. That was when we decided to use my previous experience along with continuing our own education so that we could create a healthy living environment free of toxins. Once we created our healthy home, we then decided to branch out and help others do the same. A healthy home should be available to everyone!
| Best health tip/trick/hack? |
Let nature be your guide! Always choose natural products over man-made products when you have a choice. Nature has been getting it right for millions of years.
| With all this chatter of tossing out the toxins, what are your top 3 tips? |
Open your windows! You can never have enough fresh air. Toxins build up in your home throughout the day, so it’s good to allow your house to air-out at least once a day by opening your windows for at least 15 min (longer if it’s nice outside). This reduces the toxic load in the home and improves indoor air quality. The air inside our homes can be 5 - 10 times more polluted than outside.
Leave your shoes at the door. This may seem a little inconvenient, but it is one of the best things you can do to keep your home healthy. Think about everywhere you walk during the day; public bathrooms with nasty stuff on the floor, petroleum products at the gas pump, herbicide and pesticide at the park. Then you walk into your house and spread it all over. This tip is especially important if you have little ones crawling on the floor.
Power down your devices at night. Including your WiFi, Bluetooth devices, tablets and phones. A lot of people don’t think of their trendy new wireless devices as toxic, but they can cause a wide range of health problems. I could write a whole book about the dangers of EMF’s (electro-magnetic fields), but to keep things simple; if your not using it, turn it off.
| You know me, I’m all about the supplements! What are your favorites and why?! |
I try to get my vitamins and minerals from eating lots of fruits and vegetables, but other than that I like to take a good multivitamin every day along with some extra C and D during the winter.
| Give us all your links so we can stalk the ish out of you! |
Website: www.testmyhome.com
Instagram: @testmyhome
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TestMyHomeNow/
Thank you for coming on the Chanelle Cozette blog. I am so excited to have you come give our home the once over and make it safer for me and my family.
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