How to test for leaky gut?!
How to test for leaky gut?!
Has your gut sprung a leak?
It’s hard to know what exactly is going on inside there, here are the 3 ways I recommend going about it
Answer out loud the following questions- Do you live with any of the following issues:
Food intolerances and/or allergies
Digestion problems like bloating, gas, diarrhea, IBS, SIBO, candida overgrowth etc
Autoimmune conditions - i.e. psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, PCOS
Mental issues - i.e. mood swings, depression, brain fog, anxiety etc. (your gut has a lot to do with your serotonin production)
If you have two or more then you most likely have leaky gut. Unfortunately, if you’re experiencing stomach issues like pain, bloating and general discomfort, there is a pretty good chance you have leaky gut (i.e. increased permeability or leaking of the intestinal wall). But don’t fret, it can be fixed! I recommend doing an elimination diet like the Gut Refresh to identify trigger foods, heal the gut lining and reestablish a healthy gut flora.
The chances of having leaky gut increases for those who eat a steady diet of known foods that cause inflammation- fast food, gluten, fried food, alcohol, over the counter NSAIDs and even some healthy foods that you might not even know you’re allergic to.
slight discomfort and the results have been nothing short of miraculous, and I don’t throw that word around haphazardly. It’s the word I hear the most, because altering the direction of someone’s life for the best is honestly an unbelievable life-saver.
Lactulose & Mannitol Test
2. At home lactulose and mannitol test - and really no other test is more reliable when it comes to detecting leaky gut. Put simply, this test measures how easily two types of sugars can pass through our intestinal lining. Mannitol is the larger sized sugar and should not be capable of passing through your intestinal wall and into your bloodstream. So, a healthy urine sample ratio should contain more lactulose, while an unhealthy test will show a large amount of mannitol, revealing a leaky gut.
3. Healthcare practitioner given lactulose and mannitol test: Your best bet is to speak to your doctor or other healthcare practitioner because they organize everything for you, and help make sure you take the test correctly, and then are able to interpret the subsequent results properly.
But if you prefer to go the DIY route then you can order the test directly online.
True Health Labs offers the test for $179 (not an affiliate link), which is about the best price you can find online. And they use the Genova Diagnostics kit, which is best-in-class.
For best results, you need to follow a pretty strict diet for a couple day. For example, in the 48 hours before the test you need to avoid consuming strawberries, celery, onions, pumpkin, mushrooms, jams/jelly, cough drops, hard/soft candies and probiotics etc.
You ship it back and you should get the results back within 7 days.
While you await the results, start taking Repair+ and avoid foods like fast food, fried food and basically, most foods that have been manufactured. Stick to simple meats, fruits and vegetables and try to make note of those that cause discomfort so they can be banned!
If you eat clean, incorporate gut healing supplements and see a reduction in your symptoms and an increase in overall vitality & energy, then leaky gut was most likely the culprit!
The method I trust most is using food as medicine, that if you’re reading this, you have access to- deductive reasoning and experience, that involves a call to yours truly, where we get to discuss the intricate details of your insides and together, we can diagnose and put in place correctional measures to repair and refurbish your guts and set in motion your miraculous comeback!
Any route you take, if it turns out you have leaky gut, give me a jingle and together, we’ll make your guts great again!
Happy testing!
As always thanks for visiting my little space online
I just love your guts!!
Chanelle Cozette Doyle
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