How to make orange peels
Orange peel? Random huh? But bare with me. Orange peel has soooo many amazing health benefits. It helps fight the bad bacteria in our mouths that can lead to oral issues. It has pectin which is great for your gut. You can infuse olive oil with it, your tea.. I use it for my immuniTEA. You can also add it to smoothies, candy it for a salad.
You can use the oranges for this Orange Creamsicle Collagen smoothie. It' has loads of vitamin C and you need that for collagen production. Don’t want to make it? You can also just buy orange peel if you don’t want to take the time to make it.
Goods To Get:
Mandarins or oranges, preferably organic (or substitute lemons)
Clean and scrub the citrus then pat it dry.
Grab a vegetable peeler or a citrus peeler and remove the rind in strips, being careful to remove as little of the underlying bitter white pith as possible.
Place the strips of citrus rind in a single layer on a wire rack and forget about them at cool room temperature until completely dry to the touch, which can take a couple days or longer.
Once the citrus peel is dry to the touch, store the strips in a jar or other resealable container in a cool, dark place for up to 12 months.
Functional Food Product Perks:
Orange peel has 60 different types of flavonoid and 170 types of phytonutrients apart from being rich in vitamins, minerals, pectin and fibers.
Relieves respiratory problems like cold, flu, asthma by expelling congestion.
Oral Care: Orange peel has been shown to improve the health of your mouth. In studies it has shown to kill bad bacteria in the mouth.
Reduce Inflammation and AllergiesSome of the compounds in orange peels can prevent the release of histamines. As the chemical that causes allergic reactions, histamines are the reason you feel bad after an allergic interaction. By eating orange peels, you can limit your chance at having allergic reactions. You can also fight off colds. With a high concentration of vitamin C, orange peels boost your immune system and keep illness away. The peels may help you get phlegm out of your lungs.
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Chanelle Cozette Doyle
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Gut Microbiota: