Iced Immuni TEA

We’re pulling out all the IMMUNITY stops over at the Doyle Den!!

Coco is taking probiotics, cod liver oil with vitamin D, a constant supply of breastmilk, prebiotic and phytonutrient dense baby meals.

Where Mark and I are drinking this IMMUNITEA, green tea compilation 3x’s a day, vitamin C, our repair+ that includes gut soothing anise seed, slippery elm bark and licorice root, cod liver oil and zinc!

We’re also getting outside once a day to get some fresh air, grounding and vitamin D.

If you don’t want to or don’t have time to make the full tea then I’d add 2 scoops of this with one packet of this and it gives you all the vitamin C, caffeine-free green tea, gut healing anise seed, licorice root and chamomile, and really is the perfect pair for gut healing & immunity. I drink the iced immuniTEA 2x’s during the day and then this combo.

In this blog post I cover the IMMUNITEA recipe, functional food facts, recommended products and of course science with sass!

Green tea is an important source of dietary phytochemicals, including the polyphenols epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and epicatechin. These 3 makeup about 30% of green tea leaves and they have the biggest benefit!

Since green tea does naturally contain caffeine and a lot of my clients can’t drink caffeine due to PCOS, adrenal fatigue and things like that I also include a few caffeine free options…

For A Caffeine Free Version


  • Hormone Balancing: metabolizes excess estrogen

  • Improved Immunity: Green Teas are rich in antioxidants called Polyphenols. Polyphenols are efficient infection fighters. They protect the body against potential viruses, infections and sickness.

  • Improved Brain Function: Caffeine affects the brain by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine. This way, it increases the firing of neurons and the concentration of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine.

  • Reduced Inflammation: Green Tea is rich in polyphenols, which are natural compounds that reduce inflammation.

Goods To Get:

For The Caffeinated Version

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  1. In a medium saucepan, combine 2 cups water with the honey (if using stevia then don’t add until liquid is strained in step 7), orange, and ginger. If you are doing hot tea and not iced tea then feel free to use ginger ice cubes during this step.

  2. Bring them to a boil on medium-high heat.

  3. Reduce the heat and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it gets fragrant.

  4. Remove from the heat and add the tea bags; cover and steep off the heat for 10 minutes.

  5. Use the back of a spoon to push the tea bags against the sides of the pan to release any liquid.

  6. Remove the tea bags and let the liquid cool.

  7. Strain it through a fine mesh sieve.

  8. Add the orange juice and stevia. Don’t have access to juice? Use one crystallized orange packet.

  9. The tea mixture may be refrigerated at this point for up to 10 days.

  10. For each serving, place several ice cubes in a tall glass.

  11. Add ¼ cup tea mixture and top it off with either sparkling water or club soda.

Functional Food Product Perks:

  • GREEN TEA BENEFITSGreen tea is rich with catechins. Catechins are powerful antioxidants that fight off cell damage. Green tea is touted for improving blood flow and lowering cholesterol levels.Estrogen dominance is a common issue in women with PCOS, endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, and painful periods. I was the girl with severe endometriosis symptoms. Intense cramping, heavy periods that overtook my life. That was until I balanced my hormones through my gut, giving birth to my passion of the gastrointestinal tract. #TheGutGirlI’ve formulated almost a dozen products that include green tea or its ECGC because it is such an impressive addition for weight loss, immunity and HORMONES!!Now research shows that green tea can change the way we metabolize and excrete estrogen. It does this by assisting it to go down healthier pathways.We want the 2-hydroxy pathway and not the 16-hydroxy pathway. In one study the estradiol and estrone markers were 40% lower in women who drank green tea at least once a day compared to those women who drank less than one cup of green tea per week. The amount MATTERS! That’s why we’re drinking some form of green tea or ECGC daily. Another driving factor of PCOS and insulin resistance is fatty liver. A new 2020 animal study found that the combination of green tea extract and exercise reduced the severity of obesity-related fatty liver disease by 75% in mice

  • GINGER BENEFITSGinger is a potent anti-inflammatory and it stimulates digestion and aids in proper absorption of nutrients from foods. For more on ginger head over to this blog post.

  • ORANGE PEEL BENEFITSOrange juice is high in sugar, so it’s probably best to consume it in moderation if you are worried about your immune system.  I only included 2 tablespoons in this recipe but try the crystalized orange packets if you want to forgo the orange juice.But the orange peel is PACKED with vitamin C. One of the roles of vitamin C is to protect cells by neutralizing free radicals.  Oranges also provide potassium, an electrolyte mineral responsible for normal heart function. Potassium works together with calcium, magnesium and sodium, to maintain optimal fluid levels in our cells.

Thank you for visiting my little space on the internet!

If you make this recipe & share it please make sure to tag me and the blog url. Thanks for all your support!! I just love your guts!!

Chanelle Cozette Doyle


 *This post is not sponsored. Prizes given are purchased by myself. When you purchase a product from my pink links I do receive commission from the company you purchase from, this does not impact the price you pay!! This allows me to continue to provide you with free & fabulous content. Thank you for your support! All my content, including pictures are protected. Xo


Green Tea & Estrogen:


Gut Microbiota:

